The following was not written by me, but these could of very well been my words....very powerful!
You told me you loved me
I thought you were true
But how can that be
When my body's black and blue
You were drunk and you're sorry
That's all you can say
But now I beat myself up
For not leaving you that day
One would think having my head
Continuously banded against the floor
Would have knocked some sense into me
And I’d have walked out the door
But I didn’t and forgave you
Because of my childhood curse
I hoped and prayed things would change
But they only got worse
You threw me against the wall
And I fell to the floor
Pierced your teeth into my flesh
Then called me a whore
With both your hands around my neck
I gasped frantically for air
Choking on my tears
As you ripped out my hair
My entire body started shaking
While you slammed my head against the ground
All I could hear was my heart breaking
And I’ll never forget that sound
As you lifted yourself off of me
The room began to spin
You kicked me as you left the room
Shut the door and locked me in
I laid there in shock
So confused and afraid
Grazing my fingers across the marks
A man who loved me made
My legs trembled with fear
As I tried to stand
I picked up my torn clothes
With my unsteady hand
I yanked on the door knob
To free myself and leave
As you apologized and proclaimed your love
Expecting me to believe
But there was no way I could
After all you’ve done
A man who raises his hand to me
Could never be the one
I looked at you and realized
I can’t have you in my life
Overwhelmed with devastation
As you reached for a knife
Terrified I cried and screamed
And begged you to desist
Rushing to your side
As you snapped and slit your wrist
Your blood soaked through me
As I prayed to God you’d be ok
I raced with you to the hospital
Thinking of you the entire way
Your wounds were bandaged
Yet mine still remain
Because I didn’t leave you
I must be insane
You became a different person
So cruel and rough
Even if you never do it again
Once is more than enough
You broke more than my heart
What you did was a crime
I finally found the strength to leave you
And it’s about damn time
I will never forget
What you did to me that night
Next time you slit your wrist
Make sure you do it right
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